Membership is also open to those who work with those institutions, in whatever capacity. We welcome new members. Please email the Secretary, Professor Claire Squires.
APE’s individual and institutional members undertake a great variety of research in publishing and publishing studies, from scholarly articles and outputs to professional and practice-led projects. View our members.
APE Aims, Applications for Membership, Honorary Officers and Executive Committee
The Association was founded in 1999 at the inspiration of Professor Alistair McCleery of Napier University and Dr Joan Burks of London College of Communication. Learn about our honorary officers.
Objects of the Association
The Association’s objects (‘the objects’) are…
(1) to provide a common voice for the teaching of publishing in higher education
(2) to provide a forum for academic and professional concerns and for lobbying
(3) to monitor accreditation schemes
(4) to discuss education and curriculum development
(5) to represent publishing education issues to employers and the higher education sector
(6) to collect and share information on the teaching of publishing in higher education
(7) to promote and support academic research in publishing education.
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