By the Book: the book and the study of its digital transformation
Publishing Studies Conference
Villa Finaly, Florence, Italy
Friday 23 to Saturday 24 May 2014
This two-day conference brings together scholars from the field of publishing studies to examine key issues around the digital transformation of the book, as well as to discuss the developing field of publishing studies.
This is the first conference to bring together researchers and teachers of publishing studies from all parts of Europe and aims to be the first in a series of such meetings. Also welcome are industry practitioners who wish to contribute to the debates.
Conference Committee
Benoȋt Berthou, University of Paris 13 (LABSIC) • Ernst-Peter Biesalski, HTWK, Leipzig • Alberto Cadioli, University of Milan • Pascal Durand, University of Liège • Miha Kovač, University of Ljubljana • Angus Phillips, Oxford Brookes University (Oxford International Centre for Publishing Studies) • Adriaan van der Weel, University of Leiden
Associate Partners
Association for Publishing Education • Brill • Federation of European Publishers